Parents Day

You guys may feel unfamiliar to hear the phrase "Parents Day" since we don't have Parents Day in our country, Cambodia, but it is a common celebration in other countries. some countries don't have Parents Day too, but instead they have either Mother Day or Father Day, which is not really different from Parents Day in the way they celebrate it. Parents Day, which is celebrated every year, is also one of common celebrations in Korea. Today is Parents Day in Korea. In this occasion, children are supposed to show love to their parents by giving them a bunch of flowers. That's why I could see many flowers available in many places even in my university campus. Plus, today I saw some students walking with flowers in their hands in the campus. Anyway, it looked kinda cool !


Molida said...

Here, it's mother's day weekend. It makes me homesick ever more.

Cesar said...

Nothing's special here!
Anyway, your new profile pic... heh heh... :D

Unknown said...

Eh, nothing's special back then in Cambodia and so does now! :)

Cesar said...

Actually, it's gonna be Mother Day tomorrow here :D I've just been out to take fresh air and was surprised too to see loads of flowers sold in the market. As I took a closer look, they said it's "Mother Day" tomorrow... Has has ha...

Heng Rady said...

To Mango: You have only mother day; I have parent day. So I got more homesick than you tiet...

To IBK: Nothing Specail! Why?

To Cesar: Ha have mother day too....similar to here.....:D

Heng Rady said...

To Cesar: Oh! what happens to my pro pic?

Unknown said...

I don't know cuz never heard anyone talk about it too. More, there's no celebration :D