Cambodian Exhibition in Seoul

Now, in Korea there is a special event, namely Hi Seoul, which is celebrated for the whole week. There are many interesting programs in this unique event. Traditional Exhibition, which was organized yesterday, is also one among the programs scheduled in the event. In this program, all the embassies in Korea are required to show their own traditional souvenirs and foods. Particularly, Cambodia embassy also joined the exhibition. Given two boothes- one booth for souvenirs and one booth for food, We did show and sell many of our traditional souvenirs and our delicious khmer foods. For traditional souvenirs, we had shirts, bag, paintings, and so on. For Khmer foods, we served khmer noodle, beef and sweet. Plus, there were many people who tried our foods and bought our traditional souvenirs from the early morning until the evening. A bit tired, of course, but enjoyed this so much. Next year hope to make it much better than this.

Welcome !

Cambodia boothes

Cambodia traditional souvenirs

Khmer foods


Unknown said...

hehe mean Khmer food teat!! So have you met our embassador?

Cesar said...

Wow, interesting! Wanna go visit dol heuy! Oh, you're one of the seller too? Hmmm.... sounds very happy!

Heng Rady said...

Yeb,yummy!!! I already met him many times here. He's so kind. Gonna meet him tiet because our CSCS is related to Cambodia embassy here.

Heng Rady said...

lolz....please, come then....cesar! Yeb, I was one of the seller...u know what I did? I was a customer nearly get sore throat...funny!

Molida said...

customer caller? lolz... who cooked those food?

Cesar said...

customer caller? was that a big business what you all were doing?

Heng Rady said...

To Da: Of course...embassador's wife who cooked those foods...delicious, anyway!

To Cesar: Heh Heh...I really did. Don't you think it's big? lolzz...In fact, we were devided to get different position! I was given position as a customer caller...

Unknown said...

Ah that's good hehe. Here, only the President and board of the association have the chance to meet him.

Heng Rady said...

Heh Heh!!! :D